Our First Student who graduate from Class 10.

Congratulations to MEP student-Jamuna Ramtel, on her Secondary Education Exam results.

She is our first student who graduate from Class 10.

As she obtained very good result, MEP agree to continue to sponsor her further education in Kathmandu.
We are Glad that MEP provided opportunities and education for unprivileged students in Pharping and surrounding district.
Thank you sponsors for believing and supporting children of Manjushri Educational Project.


Our MEP meet the parents session

Today at 1.00 pm, Khenpo Namdrol Rinpoche met all the MEP students and their parents, and gave away the prizes for 46 students who have obtained top 10 position from kindergarten class to Grade 9 in the final examination. He appreciated students who attained good result & those who did not do better than last year to put more efforts.

Khenrinpoche also offered scarves & gifts for the tuition teachers as an appreciation and gratitude.




MEP students win Art Competition

On the auspicious Buddha Purnima Day (21 May, 2016), an Art competition was held in Pharping with the joint sponsorship of Wai Wai Noodles Company and Paradise Creative Link. Students from 7 different schools located in Pharping area were invited to draw what they liked.  All entries were judged by the group of professional artists from Lalitkala Campus, Kathmandu, and a higher institute for learning arts.


The participating schools were

Cardinal International Boarding High school,

Shikharapur Community School,

Green Hill School,

Setidevi School,

Pharping Madhyamik Vidyalaya,

Tribhuwan Adarsh Madhyamik Vidyalaya and

UDC (A school for the monks and nuns).


6 students were invited from each school, with 2 students from junior class (students from class 2 to 5) and 4 students from senior class (students from class 6 to 10).


From Cardinal International boarding high school, 6 students were selected. Out of the 6 students, 3 students were from our MEP hostel (The Manjushri Educational Project).  They are Dawa Dindu Sherpa (junior class 4) and Tsewang Jimmy Hyolmo, class 8 and Khando Sherpa, class 7 (senior class).


At the end of the competition, our student, Dawa Dindu Sherpa (Class 4) was awarded won the third position for the junior class. The first and the second positions were awarded to Dawa Sherpa and Pema Tamang respectively.  Both the winners were from UDC.


From the senior group, our MEP student, Tsewang Jimmy Hyolmo (Class 8) was awarded the first position. The second position was awarded to Ram KC from Tribhuwan Adarsh Madhyamik Vidyalaya and the third position was awarded to Rojani Balami from Green Hill School.


The criteria for judging was based on several aspects, including the style of drawing and choices of colors, the drawing itself and the concept of the drawing. The drawing by Tsewang Jimmy Hyolmo fulfilled all the requirements and was selected as the winner of the competition.


Here are some pictures related to the event :-art 1 art 2 art 3 art 4

Completion of Phase II extension of the hostels for the students

We started the Manjushri Education Project in 2012 with the aim to empower the lives of children in Nepal through education. Since then, our project has touched 75 lives.

The above would not have been achieved without the support of Firefly Mission, a humanitarian organisation based in Singapore. This tremendously charitable organization has supported MEP to build two more blocks of reinforced concrete hostels and a block of two adjacent classrooms for MEP. The construction was completed in April 2016 and a opening ceremony was held on April 2. With the extension of the blocks, we are able to sponsor up to 100 children.


There have been many challenges along the way. One of them included the 7.8 magnitude earthquake last year which killed over 8,000 people and injured more than 21,000. Hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless with entire villages flattened across many districts of the country.


Since the earthquake last year, MEP has also partnered with Firefly Mission to carry out the critical relief work, which included the provision of temporary shelters, freshly cooked food, temporary schooling, gas stoves and tanks, zinc sheets for construction of homes.



In addition, Firefly Mission and MEP sponsors have also sponsored a mass screening for hepatitis B and vaccination for students, villagers and the monastics. To date, we have vaccinated 1,121 people, out of which 1,075 are children and 31 of them are receiving regular treatment for Hepatitis B.

13043214_1191673674184191_3813459905752116499_n We would like to thank Firefly Mission and all MEP sponsors for their generous donations and supports for the Relief and Rehabilitation project.



The Manjushri Educational Project (MEP) helps poor Nepal and Bhutan children to improve their lives by providing quality education. Started in 2012 by Khenpo Namdrol Rinpoche with his students volunteers, MEP provides food, education and shelter for 78 children in Pharping Nepal, until the earthquakes happened.
The school and the temple compounds are used to provide hot food, hope and first aids for every possible way to make lives easier.   Manjushri Educational Project Nepal has employed another teacher to provide in-house teaching so that learning can continue even if the school is disrupted during this period.  We are taking in more children too.
MEP#RebuildNepal are collecting contributions to help rebuild homes in Nepal.  Although our children and monastics are saved, most of their family homes and villages are destroyed. We will be using our existing Manjushri Educational Project network and system to collect relief funds for rebuilding homes in Nepal destroyed by the earthquakes. We target to provide 500 roof top at about USD 100 each.
The MEP#RebuildNepal will continue to operate under MEP as a separate set of accounts, as this is an ongoing mission to rebuild homes of the needy. We are also glad that MEP Bhutan is not affected and ongoing.

Please donate via Paypal at this site (http://manjushrieducational.org/) or contact Robin Chan (chantw1@gmail.com) if you wish to help.

Khenpo Namdrol was born in 1953 at Dege Tibet. At the age of seven, in 1959, he fled Tibet and have been teaching Buddhism in India, China and many parts of the world.   In 1998, under the guidance of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, Khenpo Namdrol established the Palyul Retreat Center, Samten Osel Ling in Pharping, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Khenpo now spends much of his time at this center, as well as teaching abroad and at the institute.

2014 New Recruitment – for new sponsorship

We have recruited 8 new case histories of children who are given admission to Manjushri Educational Project this year. This children are from Himalayan region and come from poor background.
Please let us know if you wish to help to support their education and food.



Roll no. Name Sex Age Country
54 Sonam Yangkyid Lama Female 12
55 Pema Yangzom Lama Female 8
56 Namgang Sangmo Lama Female 7
57 Dipesh Rai Male 9
58 Anjila Rai Female 6
59 Pasang Yangjen Female 12
60 Sonam Sherpa Male 12
61 Ngawang Chhoden Female 8

School Results for MEP children

Congratulations to MEP childrens who have acheived good school results.  The rest must work harder this term.
04 june


Sl. Name Roll no. Sex School Age Class Term Result % Rank Conduct Attend days Attend. %
1 Prashanti Ramtel 1 F Cardinal 8 UKG I 57.47 15 A 65 90.28
II 49.57 19 A 107 89.17
2 Roshni Shrestha 2 F Cardinal 5 LKG I 58.32 18 B 70 97.22
II 48.74 18 B 116 96.67
3 Binita Ramtel 3 F Cardinal 11 III I 56 15 A 71 98.61
II 53.33 16 B 103 85.83
4 Jyoti Ramtel 4 F Cardinal 9 III I 50.76 18 B 71 98.61
II 53.14 17 B 117 97.50
5 Srijal Ramtel 5 M Cardinal 9 III I 79.81 4 B 69 95.83
II 79.5 7 A 117 97.50
6 Man Mohan Tamang 6 M Cardinal 10 III I 12.1 32 C 50 69.44
II 11.81 29 D 93 77.50
7 Ashmita Ramtel 7 F Cardinal 10 III I 32.76 25 C 68 94.44
II 33.14 23 C 116 138.33
8 Saroj Ramtel 8 M Cardinal 11 IV I 65.27 6 B 72 100.00
II 64 5 B 120 100.00
9 Rajeev Purkuti 9 M Cardinal 10 IV I 75.9 2 A 72 100.00
II 83.3 1 A 120 100.00
10 Pranish Rokka 10 M Cardinal 11 IV I Absent Termnated on 21st August,
11 Ashma Ramtel 11 M Cardinal 13 V I 66.72 8 B 71 98.61
II 69.08 7 B 119 99.17
12 Rajan Ramtel 12 M Cardinal 12 V I 72.81 7 A 68 94.44
II 78.2 4 A 120 100.00
13 Abhishek Ramtel 13 M Cardinal 12 V I 53.18 16 B 72 100.00
II 63.36 10 B 120 100.00
14 Roshan Shrestha 14 M Cardinal 11 IV I 25 24 B 67 93.06
II 29.7 21 B 115 95.83
15 Aakriti Shrestha 15 F Cardinal 11 VI I 49.1 16 B 72 100.00
II 51.6 15 A 119 99.17
16 Ajay Kapali 16 M Cardinal 13 VI I 62.1 10 A 72 100.00
II 67.3 5 A 120 100.00
17 Raj Kumar Sunar 17 M Cardinal 11 III I 16.57 33 C 52 72.22
II 12.47 33 D 71 59.17
18 Kirti Purkuti 18 F Shikharapur 7 UKG I 96.5 Ist Division A 40 90.91
II 90.25 Ist Division A 80 94.12
19 Rinzin Pemo 19 F Namgyal 16 Mid Term
Final Term
20 Ngawang Bidha 20 F Namgyal 11 Mid Term
Final Term
21 Karma Yangchen 21 F Namgyal 12 6 Mid Term 70.1
Final Term
22 Samten Wangmo 22 F Namgyal Not known 4 Mid Term 70.9
Final Term
23 Sither Wangmo 23 F Loselling 13 4 Mid Term 45.5
Final Term
24 Karma Tshering 24 M Loselling 11 5 Mid Term 44.9
Final Term
25 Sonam Lhamo 25 F Loselling 12 6 Mid Term 59.6
Final Term
26 Dawa Choden 26 F Namgyal 17 Mid Term
Final Term
27 Jamyang Galley 27 M Losel 9 4 Mid Term 84.1
Final Term
28 Sonam Pelden 28 F Losel 7 3 Mid Term 82
Final Term
29 Tashi Dorji 29 M Kuenphen 12 Mid Term
Final Term
30 Yeshi Singye 30 M Kuenphen 9 4 Mid Term 85.4
Final Term
31 Phuntsho Wangmo 32 F Namgyal 14 Mid Term
Final Term
32 Sonam Wangmo 33 F Namgyal Not known Mid Term
Final Term
33 Ayub Ramtel 34 Male Cardinal 6 II I 23.61 17 C 69 95.83
II 20.73 C 114 95.00
34 Suja  Ramtel 35 Female Cardinal 6 II I 70.1 9 B 66 91.67
II 75.88 6 B 113 94.17
35 Sunita Ramtel 36 Female Cardinal 13 VI I 37.8 22 A 72 100.00
II 35.5 25 B 120 100.00
36 Shamila Ramtel 37 Female Cardinal 13 VII I 43 11 A 72 100.00
II 41.8 9 A 120 100.00
37 Prashindha Danuwar (Dongal) 38 Male Cardinal 9 III I 67.52 9 B 69 95.83
II 70.63 8 A 116 96.67
38 Shristi Ramtel 39 Female Cardinal 11 VI I 68.45 6 B 68 94.44
II 69.9 5 A 120 100.00
39 Jamuna Ramtel 40 Female Cardinal 14 VIII I 45.47 13 A 72 100.00
II 56.31 9 A 119 99.17
40 Urika Remtel/Manandhar 41 Female Cardinal 12 V I 53.18 16 B 64 88.89
II 59.09 16 B 103 85.83
41 Aatish Ramtel (Aashish) 42 Male Cardinal 8 III I 33.9 24 C 66 91.67
II 36.48 21 B 114 95.00
42 Bibek Ramtel 43 Male Cardinal 12 II I 58.33 12 B 70 97.22
II 61.8 12 B 97 80.83
43 Siyon Ramtel /Dongal 44 Male Cardinal 12 III I 56.76 14 B 69 95.83
II 57.8 14 A 117 97.50
44 Dolma Tamang 45 Female Pasakha 18 Mid Term
Final Term
45 Tashi Lhaba 47 Male Thimphu 17 Mid Term
Final Term
46 Tandin Wangmo 48 Female Thimphu 23 BSC Mid Term
Final Term
47 Aiti Maya Tamang 49 Female Mongar 13 Mid Term
Final Term
48 Tshering Choki 50 Female Mongar 8 2 Mid Term 71.4
Final Term
49 Passang Dorji 51 Male Mongar 18 Mid Term
Final Term
50 Manisha Rauth 52 Female Cardinal 10 IV I 87.81 1 A 71 98.61
II 87.36 1 A 119 99.17
51 Fur Lhamu Sherpa 53 Female Cardinal 12 VI I 84 3 A 71 98.61
II 81.45 3 A 120 100.00
52 Sonam Yangkyid Lama 54 Female Cardinal 12 III I 71.81 7 B 71 98.61
II 81.71 5 A 119 99.17
53 Pema Yangzom Lama 55 Female Cardinal 8 LKG I 98 1 A 72 100.00
II 98.12 1 A 118 99.16
54 Namgang Sangmo Lama 56 Female Cardinal 7 LKG I 95 2 A 71 98.61
II 95.25 3 A 119 100.00
55 Dipesh Rai 57 Male Cardinal 9 IV I 40.36 15 B 71 98.61
II 39.07 16 C 120 100.00
56 Anjila Rai 58 Female Cardinal 6 UKG I 86.21 4 A 72 100.00
II 85.21 3 B 120 100.00
57 Pasang Yangjen 59 Female Cardinal 12 VII I 63.9 5 A 65 90.28
II 59.4 6 A 113 94.17
58 Sonam Sherpa 60 Male Cardinal 12 V I 63.2 11 A 71 98.61
II 67.18 9 A 119 99.17
59 Ngawang Chhoden 61 Female Cardinal 8 I I 64.3 13 A 67 93.06
II 69.5 10 A 115 95.83

Update on MEP -Sep 2014



In the new academic session, Khen Rinpoche enrolled some 8 new students under MEP. Three students are from Mugu district (Himalayan region), which is very far from Kathmandu.



After the beginning of the new session,  we held “parents meeting” session in the hostel. Khen Rinpoche addressed the meeting and he also congratulated the students for their good performance in the exam.

04 june

For students who got high marks and top 10 of their class, awards were given present by Khen Rinpoche. This was to encourage all students to study harder and get better result in their upcoming exams.

05 june


Thanks to all supporters and donors.  May all be well and happy.